Waters Role in Sacred Sites

St. Pierre Fontaine, Plésidy, Bretagne, France

In this blog, I want to discuss one of a sacred site's most important energetic qualities: water. These special waters work energetically to raise one’s vibration, heal, and deepen a believer’s spirituality. Spending time in places with high-quality waters may help us understand that if we change the information in the water in our bodies, we can start to heal and even experience a deeper spiritual connection that can be found in sacred places.

Sacred sites, including tall standing stones and other megaliths, temples, pyramids, churches, and cathedrals, need several essential things to work correctly energetically. The primary one is sacred, healing waters.

Sacred waters have been revered since the dawn of time. Springs beginning a river’s journey are usually very powerful energetically. They raise the vibration of everything around them and can be very healing. Ancient people have long revered these birthplaces of rivers and made pilgrimages for healing. I talked about them in my blog, The Sacredness of Water Sources. To read the blog, click here.

In addition, other types of healing waters flow above and below the Earth’s surface. Many people have enjoyed a hot spring or visited a holy well during their travels. Hot springs have different minerals that traditionally have healing properties, making them a wonderful place to soak in. Pilgrimages to sacred wells have long been reputed to cure many ailments, such as rickets, eyesight, backaches, and more. Stories of miraculous healings from people traveling to a particular spring or healing site associated with water abound.

Below is a photo of a sacred spring found in Bretagne, France. It dates back to Neolithic times when the people erected stones around it to protect or mark it. Here, far away from the influence of modern life, it is easy to experience the magical qualities of water. Walking towards the spring, the vibration rises, and peace washes over you.  The air feels lighter and more sparkly. In places like this, I can feel the energy rising through my central channel. Each chakra feels like it is opening and receiving a tune-up, and I feel deeply connected to the earth and the heavens.

Gwazkaer Fontaine, Bretagne, France
Gwazkaer Fontaine, Bretagne, France

Waters like this one also flow under the surface of the earth. Our ancestors prized these special waters and used them to build sacred structures. For example, menhirs such as the Kerloas Menhir in Finistère, Bretagne, France, were erected over two or more underground water veins. Water flowing through the earth carries different information and energetic qualities. Two water veins flow underneath Kerloas Menhir. One is related to fertility and life force energy; the other opens all the body’s chakras, especially the crown chakra.

Kerloas Menhir, Finistère, France. You can see one of the carved bumps, the feminine one, in this photo.

When a menhir is erected over a water crossing, it broadcasts the water's qualities to its surroundings and balances the place's magnetic field. It also acts as an antenna, broadcasting information about the waters and the geometry of the stone throughout the land.

Discovering folklore adds other clues to the sacred place. For example, with the menhir of Kerloas, there are legends associated with fertility that have been handed down through time. After getting married, a couple would come to the stone to rub their bellies on either end of the stone, which has two carved bumps. The man would rub his belly on one bump to ensure the birth of a male child and the woman on the other side to be head of the household.

Another tale describes how women would climb to the top of the stone naked to help them become pregnant. These two stories illustrate the continued belief through time in the standing stone’s ability to help with fertility. When you look at the stories through the lens of sacred waters flowing under the earth, such tales take on a new meaning.

I hope you have gained some new perspectives about water’s energetic qualities. In the following article, I will discuss how water in sacred places helps change the water in our bodies. We are more than 70% water, and this water changes with our environment, what we drink, and our surroundings. If we begin to spend time in sacred places, the information in the water of our bodies will change.

Who knows, miraculous healings are possible!

By Karen Crowley-Susani

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Karen Crowley-Susani
Karen Crowley-Susani

Master Builder

Karen is a Master Builder, sacred geometry expert, author, teacher, and tour guide. You can follow her energetic geometry adventures below.

Dominique Susani
Dominique Susani

European Master Builder

Dominique is an European Master Builder and a true renaissance man. His sacred geometry wisdom is deep and includes hidden knowledge of building energetic structures that are healing for all life.

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