The Invisible Soup
We are electromagnetic beings. An invisible soup of EMFs, dirty electricity, and cell tower radiation slowly but surely affects our health.
In fact, we are alive partly because of the electromagnetic energy that the earth bathes in. This soup stretches from the earth up to the ionosphere. So, all around us in the plasma of the air is electric and magnetic energy.
The Secret Energies of Sacred Places: Vortexes
They are healing; they align and balance our energy and raise our vibration. Their very essence is mystical, and we make pilgrimages to them most often for the healing they offer us.
But what is the magical ingredient that gives these unique places their
healing qualities?
Have you ever stopped and wondered if it could be real? In our
practice of geomancy, we know all about the dangers lurking under our
The dowser’s intention is to determine if the land or structure being dowsed is healthy for living or working, and provide information to aid issue mitigation.
Earth Vortexes
Energy vortexes are something that we at Energetic Geometry personally
work with all the time at sacred sites. The Sedona vortexes are probably
the most well-known and talked about and there are many theories about them to explain the phenomena. But those explanations came up short in really explaining what is going on.
It was used to create beneficial life-force energy for homes and other sacred spaces. In some countries such as China and India, it was used to control the “demons” of the place.
Our modern lives seem to be about how fast things can happen. Everything is instant, we have instant information, instant directions, instant feedback, and of course, instant likes. Our pace of life is unbalanced in so many ways.