"A unique and sacred knowledge. The courses are very detailed, I found a lot of practical information in them, very useful for me. I found a lot of parallels with my country, archeology, mythology (Russia). Now I understand that my ancestors also had a piece of this knowledge. This indicates the universality of this sacred knowledge. Wherever you are on the planet, these courses will be useful and will help everyone to harmonize their earth, home, body, provide spiritual healing and self-improvement. With this knowledge it is easy and affordable for any person. These courses inspired me to new achievements, new ideas for energetic healing interactions with places of power and megaliths and more. I recommend it to everyone. Thank you very much!!!"
DMITRY PESNYA ~Solsticial Quadrilateral Revealed Online Class
“Dominique and Karen designed and built a healing labyrinth for me in July 07. The Labyrinth is a piece of art! The design of the labyrinth is a seven circuit labyrinth that was placed over a water vein, designed and oriented specifically for healing. I use my labyrinth for simple energetic healing and adjustments. My infant son (now 9 months old) reacts dramatically to the Labyrinth, any time he is fussy or sick or teething I can take him, walk through the labyrinth and by the time we finish, he will be asleep – every time! It opens his body and he relaxes so dramatically that he falls asleep. I have seen one 70 year old woman do the same thing where when she finished she was so relaxed she walked straight to the car, sat down in the passenger seat and went straight to sleep. Her daughter became frightened that something was wrong, but two days later she called and said her mother was feeling better than she had in years. The main effect of the labyrinth has been opening up blockages, creating a harmonized feeling that is in sync with the rhythms of the body, allowing free flowing energy to circulate.”
"Touring Brittany with Dominique, Karen and Nicholas was an absolute delight. First, the accommodations were very comfortable, very French: small farmhouses, where I had a bedroom, kitchen, dining room, living room and yard to myself. We all ate dinner together at the “main house” every evening after the day’s tour.
Next, food: the light French breakfast (croissants or muesli) was followed by a buffet lunch every day during our travels at a variety of local restaurants that offered me real insight into French food and culture. Dinner back at the farm was provided by a culinary chef who was very responsive to our various dietary needs. Dinners were definitely an event, where we went over our day together and celebrated our experiences.
Dominique is an amazing guide, taking us on beautiful country roads to find unusual and powerful menhirs, dolmens, medieval churches, holy wells and ruins. He took us deeply into each and every site we visited, giving us as much time as we wished to experience and explore. He, Karen and Nicholas were very open and available to answer all sorts of questions and share their wisdom. I can’t imagine having better guides."
EIGEN HEALD ~Magical Brittany Tour, October 2019
"I have been attending classes with Dominique for many years, learning the fascinating knowledge of the master builders of our past. A rich, practical, and ancient technology, which connects us to the vibrant power of nature all around us in a direct and simple fashion through the use of our own body’s natural sensitivity to the environment that surrounds us. Through this sensitivity we learn to use our environment in practical ways to actually feel better, improve our living spaces, increasing the health of our animals, trees, plants and ourselves.
Dominique is a wonderful teacher who brings a rich historical perspective to each and every class. Providing context and understanding of the why and how ancient builders created the spaces in which they lived, studied and worshiped. Dominique also takes this ancient technology and makes it practical and available for all who attend his classes and workshops via story, example, experimentation, and ingeniously simple exercises enabling one to travel home and use the knowledge immediately in their own living and work spaces. I highly recommend attending any available classes and open yourself, though Dominique’s tutelage, to the possibility of having a sacred place, and a sacred space in which to live and grow."
TONY HOLT- Software Developer/Analyst
"After the stones were placed in the pattern of the solsticial quadrilateral, last winter the trees grew dense and filled out in ways that were new to me. The energy within the house has settled and become warmer. And my house plants are much happier!"
BARBARA DILLEY - house harmonized with a solsticial quadrilateral ~Retired Professor, Naropa University
“When I stood in the center of the Crucuno Solsticial Quadrilateral (there, I said it!), I felt such a sense of balance and integration and belonging and rightness that I can’t adequately convey it with words. My profound thanks to Karen and Dominique for the unique experiences you afforded me. I have all those wonderful and unique experiences downloaded and cataloged within me to call upon (recall) when I wish to re-experience any of the myriad pristine energy frequencies I interacted with.
This truly was a magical mystery tour. And, as a bonus, I have learned a lot about working internally with my main chakras (especially the crown!) and have incorporated that knowledge into my internal energy work. And the food was good too! Thanks for everything. With love…”
CHERIE WOODS - Magical Brittany Tour June 2019
"Dominique Susani harmonized the Insens Wellness Center and although it is located in the heart of Geneva, within the bustle of a big city, there is an atmosphere of peace and tranquility that that energetically provides the best care for the client’s maximum benefit. People arriving in this place say (without knowing the work has been done of harmonizing and balancing the energies) feel calm and protected."
BRIGITTE - Business harmonized with the solsticial quadrilateral ~ Owner of Insens Wellness Center
"I knew of Karen through Interior Alignment® and knew she had a strong connection to the land so when we decided to pick a site for our Outdoor Stone Labyrinth for the retreat we are building based on feng shui and sacred geometry, I thought it would be great to consult with Karen and confirm my dowsing that I had done for the site on our property by Karen in the USA. As a geomancer, myself I know how difficult it is to take the emotional charge out of a decision when dowsing and although in a different country, Karen confirmed the exact location I had picked. I advised that I was going to build a 7-circuit labyrinth and she came up with the mandala and sizing design that would be perfect for our requirement. Thank you Karen for your support in those early stages of development across the oceans."
KAREN QUANT - Master Teacher Interior Alignment®, Veriditas Certified Labyrinth Facilitator
Sacred Geometry Master, Dominique Susani teaches you how in his series of classes designed to open you up to new worlds and new ways of interacting with and living on our planet. Whether you take only one or two classes, or dive in and take everything that he offers, your life and view of the world will never be the same as he connects you with ancient knowledge that never grows old and opens your heart and mind to the heart and mind of the planet. These are not something to be missed!
CAROL HOWARD ~ Feng Shui Practitioner and Masseuse
"The Secrets of Sacred Geometry Certification training has helped me become more specialized in my career as an architect. Now I do what I am passionate about for a living, while I help the world be healthier and happier."
"Once you push open the door of the Insens Wellness Center in the heart of Geneva, you immediately feel calm, serene and balanced. These sensations are due to Dominique Susani, biotic space designer, who harmonized the center through Energetic Solar Geometry. You will not be the same in leaving this place."
CAROLINE - Receptionist ~ Insens Wellness Center
“Karen is a very talented labyrinth builder. She is completely in tuned with the energies of the earth to design a powerful labyrinth. We hired her to build a labyrinth for the Alexander Dawson School based on her knowledge base and experience. I was very impressed with all of the research she did to show how beneficial labyrinths are to educational environments. We were able to bring this research to our administration to gain even more support on the project. She was very good at breaking down the building process into easy to understand steps and had a clear idea of how to bring our students into the building. She taught our Geometry students how to measure the labyrinth and she worked with K-12 grade students to help build the actual labyrinth. She has a great deal of knowledge on labyrinths and knew which design to select based on our needs. We watched a group of unruly 1st graders walk through the labyrinth and come out completely calm, focused, and relaxed. She was able to create the right level of energy in the labyrinth to create a deeply reflective and calming experience.”
STACY HERNANDEZ - Owner/ College Counselor at The Best U
"Sean and I hosted Dominique for our Labyrinth building workshop, here on the farm in Cork, Ireland in 2015. It was a wonderful weekend for everyone. Such amazing workmanship and teamwork all coming together to build the labyrinth. Even in the mapping and drawing of it beforehand, the participants expressed wonder and amazement at the energy they felt from just that experience alone. I walk the Labyrinth regularly and each time I’m energized and relaxed. It helped me on an intense healing journey, soon after it was built, for which I am really grateful. I love spending time in it, in fact there’s no such thing as time when walking it.To build one for yourself (and family etc.) or to just be part of the team that builds it is an unforgettable occasion and most healing. Best wishes and le mile buiochas. (with a thousand thanks)"
MARGIE AND SEAN ~ Owners of the Ballinreeshig Nature Farm, Cork Ireland
“Since I started with the Secrets of Sacred Geometry Certification Course, I have applied all the knowledge that I have acquired in my designs. This has allowed me to design and build spaces with energetic properties that improve the quality of life of its users. The spaces are enriched and harmonized with telluric and cosmic energies. When solar geometry is applied, everything aligns and takes on a living essence, I no longer can imagine designing without solar geometry. On a professional level, the Secrets of Sacred Geometry Certification, has opened the field to new and better job opportunities. On a personal level, I have learned to align with who I really am and this has made the magic flow!!!”
ROCIO ARAUJO - Architect and Master in Conservation of Monuments and Historical Centers
" Hi Karen - I just wanted to let you how great this module about the Solsticial quadrilateral is. Thank you so much for this! FASCINATING!! ANOTHER JOB WELL DONE!!
ANNE BRETSCHNEIDER ~ Student in Solsticial Quadrilateral Revealed Online Class
"I am very grateful for having “found” Solar Sacred Geometry, because I am now able to improve the quality of homes and workplaces, thus improving the quality of life of people.I am also very grateful for this training and to Dominique for his good sense of humor and great willingness to talk and pass on his wisdom."
HENRY PINCHEIRA - Architect and Chilean graduate of the Sacred Geometry Certification
"What an experience! Such a fun, supportive, and information packed experience. Traveling around Brittany to discover places of magic, energy, history and beauty—from the fields to the forests to the shores, down the side streets and in the churches. Most places we had entirely to ourselves. Lunches in different local restaurants and dinners at the Gite made by a wonderfully talented chef….desserts just happen to be my favorite…and he did not disappoint. It was a trip beyond my imagination. As a “novice” to feeling and experiencing of earth energies, Karen and Dominique were wonderful teachers. Their knowledge was both deep and wide and they share it beautifully. This is trip worth taking….maybe more than once!"
SUSI GARDNER - Magical Brittany Tour June 2019
"I loved the process of going and choosing the boulders that “spoke to me”. Then, I was fascinated watching them being installed, and seeing the location of one corrected. I noticed a very firm, solid grounded feeling on the entire property, including in the house. A friend who was house-sitting simply sprinkled a variety of squash seeds in a corner—and they took root and bloomed and gave us abundant squashes all through the summer and part of the autumn, with virtually no special care from us.
This was the first time we have grown food here. The volunteer garlic and horseradish and onions are healthy. And now, for the first time, and with no change in our practices, our compost smells fresh and earthy, and nice fat red earthworms have migrated into it and made themselves at home. The two spruce trees in back that looked like they were having a hard time before now look robust and hearty. The new trees in front—linden, red horse chestnut and a brand-new peach—are now fully in bud.
Even the newly potted plants (flowers and herbs) look happy. It seems very hard, to me, living in a city at a fast pace, to attune myself to the needs and desires of the place, itself, where we have settled: so much noise and multitasking and distraction dull the sensitivity. I’m very grateful for the harmonizing of our land and dwelling. Now, when I pay attention, I imagine I can feel—just a little bit—what this place is asking for.
Many thanks to Anne Z. Parker and Karen Crowley-Susani.
"Each time I walk my Fibonacci Spiral Path I feel grounded, centered and connected to this place I call my home. It is a sweet, short, simple but potent and powerful path that spirals out from the inner spiral of the root chakra. Each time I walk it, I start at and connect with the center stone, and proceed into the first chakra spiral. I then follow the path as it gently curves and leads me through each chakra. I can feel my central channel open, my body relaxes and my chakras align. The energy feels rooted and goes up like the tree of life. I feel centered, rooted to the Earth and open to the Heavens. I am being guided to open an urban retreat center and this Chakra Path holds the energy of this dream for me."
SARAH HOSKIN CLYMER - Owner of Iris Farmhouse B&B
"I found this online class to be wonderfully paced and informative. Karen and Dominique are a great resource and very open to answer any and all questions. I loved the personal stories used in examples. What you learn is immediately applicable to your personal environment. I've had surprising and positive results from implementing what I learned in this introduction class. I look forward to learning more with them."
NICOLE MOFFATT ~Student in the Solsticial Quadrilateral Revealed Online Class
" I am enjoying the class very much and the live calls, the questions are inspiring. Such a subtle, profound and rich knowledge! Thank you, Karen and Dominique for offering this class."
JENNIFER COLLINS BREVER~ Student in Solsticial Quadrilateral Revealed Online Class
"I am so thrilled with the results of the labyrinth we built at The Sacred Earth Sanctuary in Colorado. Karen proved her expertise in geomancy when she divined the area of a blind spring beneath the land and guided us in the sacred geometry of the design and measurements of the labyrinth in the ancient form from Crete. I was blessed to have women from my initiation group participate in the placement of the stones and have beautiful stones from around the world incorporated into the design. The construction of it was a beautiful experience and each of us walked the labyrinth while another held the divining rods as we walked. Each area is assigned to a particular part of the body and when the rods indicated an imbalance in that body part, we stayed quietly in the area until the balance was restored by the energy of Mother Earth. Many of us found that weaknesses in our bodies appeared where we had expected them to be.
This labyrinth is new to my land and I have just recently been exploring its magic. I have had many physical challenges in my life and find while walking it that I am so much more deeply connected to the messages my body is sending me. I am so grateful to Karen for the beauty of her gifts in its construction. My land is offered to my community for sanctuary and ceremony and this beautiful labyrinth is such a huge gift to my people."
PATRICIA TURNER - Founder and CFO of Tierra Sagrada, The Sacred Earth Foundation
"Prior to the earth acupuncture and other adjustments made, we were feeling scattered, tired and had disturbed sleep in our house. Within 24 hours of placing a large stone on the ‘harmonization’ point, there was a notable shift for both of us – we’re sleeping deeper, dream recollection has increased, and it has been easier to wake up. We both have home offices and since the one point was set, we have noticed more focus and productivity. There was a more settled and balanced feeling when a large triskel was placed at the energetic center point of the house. This work has been very supportive for us and in a way that’s hard to really describe, we feel more ‘aligned’ with who we are!"
JIM- house harmonized with the solsticial quadrilateral ~ Building Contractor and Photographer
"I found out about a lot of things that were unknown to me. Our ancestors knew so much about astronomy, mathematics, music and more. I liked being able to experiment and feel the distinct energies of the earth, fire, water, air, and ether. I also learned how to use them to harmonize places with plants. Finally, it was a pleasure for all of the senses."
"I have done some traveling and have been on sacred site tours in the past. What makes the Magical Brittany Tour with Dominique and Karen unique in my view is that not only were many really special sites visited, but a great deal of knowledge was imparted. We could all immerse ourselves in the experiences made available to us as much or as little as we wished – from simply appreciating the beautiful sights, to experimenting with new skills to feel water veins, to embracing opportunities to use our senses to find chakra pathway points, etc. Karen and Dominique are warm and generous hosts, attentive to our interests and our needs along the way and sharing their love of the area. I am considering taking this trip again!"
DAWN DANIS - Therapeutic and Ceremonial Musician
"This class exceeded all my expectations. I was introduced to this work over 15 years ago by a friend of mine who had studied under Dominique. So, I was excited to find out about this online class. From my brief experience with this work a long time ago, I knew that the wisdom contained in this tradition is authentic and practical. This online class gave me the opportunity to learn more!
This class covered a tremendous amount of information from theory to practice. Everything was clearly presented and very well organized. Plus, you can review and re-watch the video presentations.
The instructors, of course, are very knowledgeable, but they also are down to earth (pun intended?) and approachable, with a willingness to answer questions. It is apparent that sharing and teaching this tradition brings them great joy. I have found that this is the best type of teacher to learn from.
Without hesitation, I would recommend this course to anyone who was interested."
FRANKLIN FICK ~ Owner -Shen Long Publishing, Owner and Head Instructor - Spirit Dragon Institute
“The lessons are a wealth of knowledge that you have played out methodically. It is clear and each lesson adds to the next."
CYNTHIA ROBISION ~ Student in Solsticial Quadrilateral Revealed Online Class
"The Brittany Tour is packed full of surprises – and magic! Dominique and Karen offered a unique opportunity in sharing the wisdom of the Ancient Builders; from recognizing the chakra path incorporated into the design of a church, to learning the language of the menhirs and sensing their healing energies. We experienced the refined energy of a thousand-year-old tree and learned that these ancient ones emit a very high vibration, allowing a connection to the earth and cosmos, just like the menhirs, cathedrals and temples. The price of the tour covered absolutely everything, including arrival/departure links, accommodation, all meals, all transport and site or museum entrance fees. The fun and side-splitting laughter along the way were just the icing on this wonderful Breton cake! It is a tour not to be missed!"
CHRISSIE HEYDON - Magical Brittany Tour, June 2019
“Great Introduction! The pace of the narrative, the chosen words and simple definitions all make this fascinating knowledge unfold like a beautiful tale. Did you intentionally use a specific frequency for the background music? Thank you for sharing!!"
JÖELLE BRUCHER ~Student in Solsticial Quadrilateral Revealed Online Class
"Karen has created a spectacular space. Her land is perfect for leading events, hosting workshops, and for healing. Not only are her healing structures beautiful – but they actually work. As a shaman, I see energy very clearly and her structures are perfect for people who are looking for a way to enhance their meditation, or clear out energy in an easy, non-invasive way. I can’t recommend Karen and her space enough"
BONNIE SERRATORE - CFO and Founder of Spiritual Acceleration