The Invisible Soup We Live In: Electromagnetics and the Human Body

We are electromagnetic beings. An invisible soup of EMFs, dirty electricity, and cell tower radiation slowly but surely affects our health. In fact, we are alive partly because of the electromagnetic energy that the earth bathes in. This soup stretches from the earth up to the ionosphere. So, electric and magnetic energy is all around us in the plasma of the air.
Another part of our lives is related to the earth's and the sun’s emissions. Most of the earth’s emissions are infrared. The infrared can be stronger in some places, but in other areas, it can be weak or blocked. I’m sure all of you have noticed trees that lean one way or the other. One reason is that they grew over an underground water vein. Water veins block the infrared emissions from the earth's core, and trees need them just like we do, to survive. The tree’s strategy is simple: they lean one way or another to find a place with the infrared emissions they need to survive. Then, they begin to grow straight again.
In the mid-20th century, German, Swiss, and French doctors and researchers studied earth energies, such as water veins and geological faults, and their effects on people's health. Several doctors, such as German Dr. Hartmann and French Dr. Picard, tried to understand why some patients could not heal basic illnesses. This led to the discovery that 70% of diseases were related to where a person lived. Specifically, the types of earth energies flowing through the earth under the beds and places where people stay longer, for example, your desk at work, watching TV, etc.
Returning to electromagnetic waves, all living structures on Earth are designed to work with them. The naturally occurring electromagnetic waves are organized and coherent; our bodies work well with the Earth’s direct current (DC). However, when artificial electricity began to be used, Tesla designed it as an alternating current (AC), which changes polarity 60 times per second.
As you might imagine, our bodies were developed over millions of years and are well adapted to DC electricity. However, AC electricity changes polarity so quickly that our cells and bodies can’t keep up with such a rapid polarity change. On top of that, the electricity supplied by the electricity companies is not clean; many harmonics are associated with it, making it chaotic and dirty. Wi-Fi signals, cell towers, and satellites significantly add disorganized waves, further polluting the plasma of the air.
In his article Health Implications of Long-Term Exposure to Electrosmog, Karl Hecht writes, “As is generally known, humans are electrical beings. The electric currents of the brain (EEG), heart (ECG), muscles (EMG), and skin (EDA) can be measured and are a versatile tool for diagnostic tests and health checks. When the bioelectricity of a person is disturbed, illness will be present.
He also notes, “Our modern electromagnetic EMF and EF pollution is a silent stressor: at first, one feels well until after years of exposure, long-term effects will occur.” Studies have been conducted in Russia from 1960 to 1996 on the short-term and long-term effects on people working in electromagnetic fields in industrial settings such as radar stations and high-voltage transmission lines. The findings are thought provoking.
For the first year, no noticeable effects were seen on the healthy people studied. Then, in 3 -5 years, symptoms began to show up—headaches, fatigue, sleeplessness, rashes, flu-like symptoms, hair loss, tinnitus, inability to concentrate, etc. Then, after ten years, diseases started. It takes a while for our cells to become saturated, exhausted, and unable to function properly. The time frame differs for each person. Of course, young children, aging adults, or people with compromised immune systems have less tolerance and show symptoms much sooner.
Then, there is direct exposure to electricity. Most people don’t think about the electrical cables running through their homes, but it can be concerning if you sleep next to one. Imagine an electrical wire running behind the head of your bed. Electricity is not contained in the cables; it spins outside and around them. This generated field has a three-foot radius. This means your head is bathed in a dirty electricity field all night, and your brain’s cells become exhausted by the polarity changes of 60 times per second.
When people have a configuration like this with their bed, it is no wonder they wake up tired, stressed, and depressed and fall victim to taking pills to fix it.
To compound this problem, AC electricity travels inside the earth through the path of least resistance, which is subterranean water veins and geological faults. These earth energies travel everywhere under the earth’s crust, and some places are worse than others.
In ancient times, methods were used to find healthy areas to build homes and villages. The Etruscans and Romans used a system that examined the organs and entrails of sheep that lived over the proposed building site. After a year, a sheep was killed, and its organs were examined for diseases. If the animal was healthy, they could build; if not, they found another place.
We have no system like the Romans used in modern times, and underground earth energies are significantly more contaminated, especially in cities. Imagine a high-tension wire or power substation located over a water vein. The water becomes contaminated with AC electricity and travels through this path of least resistance, under houses and beds. Just sleeping over water veins and faults has been proven to cause long-term health problems, including cancer and leukemia. Imagine what is happening with the increased contamination near high-tension wires and power substations!
Honestly, it is a big mess, and more and more people are becoming sick and electromagnetic hypersensitive. They are affected by their environment, homes, and workplaces. Plus, there is no escape. It is all in the plasma of the air we are continually surrounded by.
What can we do?
It is a big question, and there are different solutions depending on your unique situation. For example, we were talking to a lady the other day who was fighting cancer. She is treating it without chemo and radiation and suspected something was wrong with her house. It turns out she was right. She lives near a power transformer that is polluting her house with chaotic electricity. One of our Certification graduates visited and, within 20 minutes, had a headache, and her jaw was extremely tense, a sure sign of electricity contamination. It took our graduate a day and a half to detox from her short visit!
In this instance of extreme electrical pollution, it is best to leave and detox your body from electricity because your body and cells are exhausted. One solution is to go to the country or up into the mountains, far away from cell towers, power stations, and high-tension wires, where your body can repair. This process takes time, and it is not an overnight fix.
Most situations are not this bad, but you may be experiencing headaches, rashes, TMJ, bruxism, stress, and other multiple health issues. When the body and cells reach a certain saturation point, health problems begin. Listen to your body. It is innately intelligent, and you are not crazy, as many mainstream experts want you to believe.
by Karen and Dominique Susani
For help with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, Sextiskels can offer relief. Other options to neutralize the harmful effects of the invisible soup, include Home Harmonizations. Need help? Sign up for a 15 min free consultation here.
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