Deepen your Connection to the Sun

Equinox Sunrise

Did you know that there is a very special geometry connected to the sun’s rhythm throughout the year?

Because of this relationship with the sun, the geometry is alive and sacred. This blog will share how you can have a deeper relationship with the sun, even a spiritual one.

The Autumn and Spring equinoxes are exceptional times of the year. In fact, the equinox is one of the most important times of the year because it is when the forces of summer and winter are in balance. For ancient people, the equinox and the solstices marked critical solar times of the year. They were connected with celebrations, spirituality, and rituals.

Ra Sun GodWe, modern people, have lost our connection to the spirituality associated with the sun.

The sun is life for every living thing on earth, and our ancestors worshipped the sun before anything else. Megaliths were oriented to the sunrises and sunsets of significant solar times of the year, the equinoxes and solstices. There are many examples. Newgrange in Ireland is aligned to catch the light from the winter solstice sunrise. At Chichén Itzá, the Temple of Castillo is famous for the Mayan serpent god, Kukulkán slithering down the stairs during the equinox. Most Greek temples were oriented with the main door to the east, taking advantage of the rising sun. The god in the west would be illuminated by the light of the equinox sun.


Churches are even oriented to the sun.

Most are built along the east/west axis with Christ positioned in the east, marking the difference between pagan worship and Christianity. Temples could also be aligned to other celestial bodies, such as the moon, the planets, and important stars. Stone circles were giant calendars and marked solar, lunar, planetary, and even celestial events.

Greek Temple

Because of humanity’s long history of aligning its most sacred structures to the sun, it makes sense that we can have a spiritual connection with it.

Nowadays, people are searching for ways to deepen their own personal spirituality. One powerful way to begin is to feel the energy of the equinox sunrise. Looking back at history, we notice that this thought is nothing new. 

But what is so special about the sunrise on the equinox? 

First of all, it is just one day. Solstices have a one-week window to feel the power of their energies. This is because the sun begins to slow down, stop, and reverse its travel direction. The sun is constantly in motion, traveling north in the summer and south in the winter. For example, the best time to visit sacred sites is during the summer solstice. This is because many churches, temples, and megaliths are solar structures oriented to the sun. When the sun is at its highest power during the summer, so are the temples.

But the equinox is one day in the Spring and Fall; the sun isn’t slowing down or stopping; it is in motion. 

Connection to the sun

In ancient times, the equinox was associated with the feeling of beauty.

The feeling quality of beauty. 

What does that mean? 

It is not a surface beauty, it is not intellectual, and it is not of the mind. It is a feeling. To get an idea, think about gazing upon a lovely rose. When you appreciate it, you are not seeing or feeling it with your mind. You appreciate and recognize its qualities and beauty with your heart, soul, and spirit. This is the beauty of the equinox sun. It is a sensory perception and a connection between beauty, harmony, and even love. 

In ancient times, alchemists gathered dew on the morning of the equinox.

This unique water was used for their magical potions because of its extraordinary energy. The feeling of beauty from the sun carries a sense of deep spirituality and connection to the vibrancy of life.

Morning dew

As the sun rises on the equinox, you feel more connected to the earth and grounded in your body. Then the energy shifts and changes as the sun’s rays touch the earth. The birds’ songs change ever so slightly, and the energy from the trees also shifts. The energy all around is happy and welcoming, and the moment feels profoundly spiritual and full of life force energy.

Many of us have lost the magic in our lives, and our spiritual connection to the sun has vanished. We invite you to establish a relationship with the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the cosmos this Fall by watching the sunrise. This year, the equinox falls on September 23, 2023, if you live in the United States. 

You can also do as the ancient alchemists did and collect the morning dew of the equinox.

The water carries information about the end of the summer. It is full of the sun’s energy, which Mother Earth has sated herself with over the summer. This water was highly prized for its energetic qualities. The alchemists used it, of course, in all of their potions, but in particular, in their powerful spagyric elixirs. Spagyric comes from Greek and is the alchemical preparation of herbs into a more potent form.

The Chinese used this special dew water to balance the energies of the palaces by putting it in urns on the rooftops. Equinox water brought energy full of cosmic information, balance, and beauty to the place.

To harvest this incomparable dew, alchemists got up before dawn.

They placed prepared linen sheets around their necks, like long capes trailing on the ground. As soon as the sun rose, they walked in meadows letting the linen soak up the dew. When the sheet was completely wet, it was wrung over wooden tubs to extract the moisture. 

In this manner, they collected as much dew water as possible in the early morning before the sun got too hot and reduced the water quality. The water was then filtered and stored in closed clay pots to preserve the energetic qualities of the water for as long as possible. 

Connection to the sun

It is easy for you to do the same thing.

One note of caution, do not touch the dew water with any iron, including pots or utensils, because the water immediately loses its unique energetic qualities.

We hope you are inspired to deepen your personal spiritual connection with the sun this equinox and discover the true meaning of the beauty of the equinox sun. We can’t wait to hear all about your experiences with the sun!

Energetic Geometry Certification

A new Energetic Geometry Certification Training begins in September 2023. If you are ready to deepen your connection with the sun and its magical sacred geometry, click here to learn more about the training. It is a once-in-a-life experience you won’t want to miss.

By Karen Crowley-Susani and Dominique Susani, sacred geometry, and geobiology experts and authors of Secrets of Sacred Geometry, Solar Geometry for Health and Life, Sacred Santa Fe, Geomancy, Geometry, and Energetics of its Churches, Ad Quadratum, Geometry of the Square of Nebbiu Cathedral, and Earth Alchemy, Aligning your Home with Nature’s Energies.

Who is This Temple Really Dedicated To?

Dominique and I are passionate about exploring sacred sites.

We love to decode the solar sacred geometry used to build them and love to discover their healing energies. We are often surprised by what we find, and one such surprise was the Gallo-Roman Temple of Janus, located at Autun, France. 

Autun is located in the Loire valley, a famous wine region inhabited since Neolithic times.

A vast Neolithic enclosure was found near the temple and is still being studied. The Celtic tribe of the Eduéns had also settled in this area. Afterward, the Romans built their city called Augustodunum. Celtic people were wine lovers and cultivars. Some believe that the Romans conquered Gaul because of their wonderful wines!

The Temple of Janus dates back to the 2nd half of the 1st century and sits on a plateau northwest of Augustodunum. A mystery surrounds who the temple was actually dedicated to. In the 16th century, historian Pierre de Saint-Julien de Balleure thought it was dedicated to Janus. But, the name could actually be a corruption of the toponym Genetoye which means where the broom grows. 

The God Janus
Photo by Loudon Dodd, from the Vatican Museum

Who is this Roman God Janus?

He is the god of duality, doors, gates, and transitions. Because every door and passageway had two directions, Janus was depicted with two faces, keeping an eye out in the front and back. He is also the god of beginnings and endings, the gatekeeper, and he protected the start of all activities. His shrines in Rome were all located near the crossings of rivers. In his early days, he was associated with waterways and bridges. Interestingly in ancient cultures like the Hindus, the Tibetans, and the Chinese, water crossings were considered a doorway for spirits to interact with the human world, particularly demons.

The Romans were masters at syncretism, meaning they combined different local beliefs and traditions to ease the transition of Roman rule. Many times, the names of their temples were a combination of Roman and Gaul gods, like the goddess Sulis Minerva. Mercury was often associated with Lugh, the Celtic god of light. 

The Romans often build their temples over pre-existing Celtic ones or even Neolithic sites.

The temple of Janus was a fanum, a type of religious sanctuary commonly found in Roman Gaul. Originally this type of temple was Celtic and was built out of wood. The Celts called them nemetons, stemming from the word nemeto, meaning holy wood enclosure. 

Fanums had an inner sacred space called a cella. Its shape was typically square or circular. The cella housed the statue of the deity, and only priests had access to this inner sanctum. During certain ceremonies, the temple’s doors were opened so the god could gaze out to the masses. The cella was surrounded by a veranda, which served as an ambulatory where people could walk around it. Interestingly enough, I found a reference to the Celts circling around the cella, a traditional way to enhance the sacred energy inside.

The Temple of Janus

When building any sacred place, earth energies were employed to give power and energy to the holy center.

As you can see, this temple was placed over a powerful configuration of subterranean water veins. The most sacred place is the crossings of three water veins and a few faults. Notice also that all the temple openings have water veins flowing through them and are roughly the same size. The center is a healing crystalline vortex of energy.


In the analysis of the geometry used by the master builder, the first thing we notice is that the temple is square-shaped. More than that, it was conceived with three concentric squares using a common building technique called a triple enclosure. Triple enclosures were used in temples and churches to strengthen, refine, and protect the sacred energy at the center.

The illustration below is the solar mandala of Autun and the Temple of Janus. This unique mandala is intimately connected with the sun’s annual rhythms throughout the year. It is called a solar rectangle (solsticial quadrilateral) because each corner is connected to the solstices. It becomes a complex mandala relating to the five elements, the seven chakras, and musical notes. Another essential thing to understand about this solar rectangle is that it is unique to each latitude and changes in shape and size with latitude changes.


The solsticial quadrilateral was used as the beginning point to build sacred structures worldwide, and the Romans were part of this tradition.

In the Temple of Janus, the master builder employed different circles relating to the sun and a fractal of the solsticial quadrilateral to design the temple. The first solar circle is found at the intersection of the solar and lunar quadrilaterals. This circle forms the first sun square, as can be seen in the illustration. The outer wall of the cella is found by placing a square around the outside of the sun circle and the inner wall is found by placing a square inside of this sun circle. And the inner rectangle that the god would be placed upon is a solsticial quadrilateral connected to the golden mean. 


Everything in this temple relates to the sun, making it a very, very solar temple.

When you see this geometry, you begin to think that this temple is not dedicated to the God, Janus. The gods, Lugh, Mercury, or Apollo, were probably suited for this type of solar temple. 

Lastly, there is a feeling quality associated with the healing abilities of every sacred site. Standing in the sacred center, you can notice this temple opens and balances the heart chakra and the lungs. It is connected to the air and ether elements. This type of energy is closer to the power of the God, Mercury. He is a god of the Air Element, a healer, and being the messenger of the Gods, was able to travel from the underworld to the spiritual realms. For the Celts, this place was a good match for the God Lugh, their solar god. 

Walking the solar chakra path

The Solstice Path of Light

Vézelay, France, is a very ancient sacred place and has been in use since Neolithic times.

Nowadays, something magical happens once a year during the summer solstice on top of an extraordinary hill. Light illuminates a pathway in the Basilica of St. Mary Magdalene. The sun shines through the windows, creating radiant steps down the center of the church. It is a magical time to visit.

The path of light in the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Vézelay
The path of light in the Basilica of St Mary Magdalene at Vézelay

Man has used this type of solar magic since the beginning of time.

Humans recognized that the sun has a remarkable ability to strengthen, power, and enhance the energy of what it touches. To understand this concept, think about Newgrange, a megalithic tumulus in Ireland with a long corridor oriented to the winter solstice sunrise. When the beam of sunlight illuminates the passageway and the carved stone in the back, the entire structure comes alive with powerful energy.

Photo credit: Ken Williams/
Photo credit: Ken Williams/

If you visit Newgrange during this time, you can notice just how much more dynamic the form becomes. Another example happens on August 15 in Chartres Cathedral. During this day, a beam of light illuminates the labyrinth’s center powering up its energy exponentially. Many other places are oriented to the sun that takes advantage of the increased solar energy charge on special days.

The Basilica of St. Mary Magdalene is one such example with its beautiful path of light on the summer solstice.

For the Master Builder, this is an energetic path, one that not only inspires awe at its beauty but one that required a master to build. Measurements of angles that the summer and winter solstice sun make had to be calculated precisely—the location and orientation of the path of the solstice sun needed to be precise.

Years of work and calculations went into creating this fantastic light show. This awe-inspiring work of art not only illuminates the nave in the summer but also works during the winter solstice. The light now shines on the top of the columns adding the sun’s power to the stories told there.

The solstice path of light.
The solstice path of light.

This use of the solstice sunlight in cathedrals is a rare sight.

Vézelay is the only church we know of constructed like this. During our investigations of Vézelay, we explored the sacred geometry and energetics of the Basilica. We dowsed for faults and water lines during the first visit, which are essential earth energy lines that give power to the church. We also dowsed for the earth energy vortexes inside and outside the church.

Some of these vortexes arise naturally from the earth and become stronger when a well-calibrated site is built. Others manifest because of the use of solar geometry in the design of the church itself. While dowsing, we discovered Vézelay had initially been a fertility site. Many of the water veins flowing underneath the Basilica were fertility waters. This type of water vein has a very distinctive feel in the body. It is felt in the second chakra and can have a very sexy vibe. The Basilica has a lot of this second chakra energy. Many churches dedicated to Mary were originally megalithic fertility sites or had heart-opening energy.

In churches built by Master Builders, there is an energetic pathway or chakra path that runs from the back of the church up to the altar. It is created by the geometry of the church and vortexes that arise because of it. These energetic vortexes are connected to each chakra and have a color and a feeling. Some people can see these vortexes of energy and color, but we can all feel them with a bit of training. During our research of over 20 years, we have consistently found these types of energies in churches and cathedrals. As a rough guide for finding a chakra path in a church, you can look up and stand underneath the points on the ceiling. Columns also can indicate vortexes.

During our first visit, we found the chakra path down the center of the church.

It worked well and went up to the 9th chakra, which doesn’t happen often. We also took note of all the energetic vortexes in front of the saints around the apse. St. Francis has a good root and first chakra energy that continued up to the heart to open it. Mary and the baby open the entire central channel. St John the Baptist has sweet heart-opening power.

During our next visit to Vézelay, we wanted to experience the illumination of the path itself. We arrived a few days before the summer solstice because the light path shines down the center for a few days before and after the actual solstice. The Master Builder used the radiance from the summer solstice sun at noon to light the path. He worked with solar time, which has changed with our modern interventions with time. In France, noon, solar time is 2 pm daylight savings time.

The Basilica itself felt different as we entered.

The energy was more potent and full of radiance. The Basilica’s fertility energy that we felt before was replaced with the solar energy of the summer solstice. As we entered the nave, we were amazed at the beauty of the pathway of sunlight. It was gorgeous.

We began our walk of light at the back of the church. Bathing in the glow of this first step, we realized we were receiving a fantastic tune-up of our entire energy system. It started with the first chakra grounding us into our body and the earth. The next illuminated point was the second chakra. Here we felt the energy of fertility, sex, and creativity humming. As we walked forward, we experienced the third chakra opening and unwinding.

As we continued through the path of light, the fourth chakra opened, expanded, and love radiated out from our subtle bodies. For the fifth chakra stop and we enjoyed our throat loosening and opening. In the next point of light, our third eye opened, and the colors around us became brighter and sparkled. Then we reached the crown chakra and felt the opening at the top of our heads connecting us to the heavens.

Walking the solar chakra path
Walking the solar chakra path

The chakra path during the summer solstice is enhanced by the light of the sun. Because of this, each chakra is easier to feel. The opening that typically happens when you walk on a chakra path was higher in vibration and stronger with the sun’s energy. For example, you feel each chakra and all of your central column because of the sun’s powerful influence. It’s a mix of the power of the place and the sun’s energy, which cleans the central channel more powerfully.

We encourage you to plan a trip to visit this magical place around the summer solstice. It will be an experience you will never forget and something most people will never experience. Few people know the secret of the path of light at the Basilica of Mary Magdalene, and now you are one of them!

If you are interested in learning more about the solar sacred geometry of the Basilica of St. Mary Magdalene of Vézelay, sign up for our free Energetic Geometry Live webinars and watch the replay of Vézelay and the Path of the Sun. Justclick here” to sign up.

Santa María de Carrión de los Condes

The Hidden Story of Building a Church

Santa María de Carrión de los Condes
Santa María de Carrión de los Condes

To build a church, even a simple Romanesque one is a big job.

The role that earth energies play in building and designing a church or cathedral is one of the most important and most unrecognized elements. There are no modern-day discussions about this essential job of the Master Builder. The question of where to place the altar is a crucial one because it sets up the entire vibration and power of a church. This point is what gives the energetic power, flavor, and ambiance to the entire structure. For a church or cathedral to function properly in its role of spirituality, healing, and connection to the divine, it must be built over powerful earth energies.

As you learn about the energies of churches, you will find that many are named according to the energy of the place. For example, Mary churches usually have a resonance with love and the heart chakra or they are related to fertility. St Michel is associated with a special golden vortex. St Peter is associated with cosmic energy that comes from the heavens instead of up from the earth.

The name and the energy of the place are important.

For example, In Brittany, there is a church called St Michel de Braspart. The church was originally built in 1670 on one of the seven sacred Hills (mounds) of Brittany. The mound called Menez Kronan, is named after the Celtic God of Life and was an ancient place of sun worship. The tiny little church was built on top of this high mound, a place like many other St. Michael churches was built upon. Here the church was trying to convert pagans and stories began to be told of the miracles performed by St Michael. Usually, St Michael churches, have fantastic energetic qualities.

But this church was not fortunate enough to be built over the correct energetical spot.

The St. Michael point of golden energy is actually located outside the church! The priest who designed and built it missed the mark and in doing so, built a disappointing church, lacking the high vibration and healing qualities that one associates with this type of church.

Fortunately, most of the Master Builders were trained well and knew their job.

Subterranean water veins were traditionally used to build churches and most of the time you will find a big water vein running the length of the church. Because the altar sets the tone for the entire church, this critical point needed a crossing of several good quality (high vibration) water veins. The better and more miraculous the water, the better for the energy of the cathedral. Many times, the Master Builder did not have to do much work to find a good place, because he would position the church and altar over a Roman Temple or a menhir, dolmen, or cromlech. It was a very common technique used by many cultures around the world. There is a good example of this in Santa Fe, NM. The altar of the Church of St Miguel was built over a kiva and you can see it through the clear plexiglass that now covers it.

In a simple idealized cruciform church, you would find a big water vein running the length of the church, a water vein crossing it at the transept, and then one or more water crossings at the apse as you can see in the drawing. Armed with this basic knowledge, you can see that there would be a couple powerful energetic points created by these water crossings inside the church.

As a reminder, energy vortexes are created at the crossing of subterranean water veins.

They are seen as tornado-shaped and have colors and qualities relating to our chakra system. For example, the altar crossing of earth energies would usually have a big and powerful vortex of energy and the inside ambiance of the church would be connected to the color and qualities of it. In a church dedicated to Mary, for example, the ambiance is usually green, opens the heart chakra, and at the altar a big green vortex is normally present.

In our example of St Jean de Pied Port, we can see that the earth energies are pretty standard for building a church. There is a water vein that runs the length of the church. At the altar, there is a crossing of water veins and faults. The violet vortex is located at the crossing and helps to imbue the church with high vibration energy. As you will see, the spiritual qualities of this crown-opening vortex were further enhanced by the use of the solar geometry employed in the design of the church by the Master Builder.

After the altar point was chosen, a connection to the sun was made.

Geometry connected to the sun is the time-honored way to build all sacred structures around the world, and churches were not the exception. As some of you are aware, churches are oriented with the apse in the east. But there are more connections to the sun besides this east/west orientation. Solstices are very important times of the year in which the sun reverses in its direction of travel. If you track the sun’s travels on the earth, you will notice a rectangular form taking shape. We call this form, the solsticial quadrilateral, or the solar rectangle. It was used as the basic form to build churches and cathedrals.

Churches can be just a simple solar rectangle or as complicated as a cathedral with their many different layers of different types of solsticial quadrilaterals. Jerusalem, Rome, Ephesus solsticial quadrilaterals were employed as a way to connect the church to these powerful places.  Dynamic rectangles connected to the golden mean could be used, as well as, solar rectangles connected to musical notes and chakras.

For our example of St Jean de Pied Port, our Master Builder combined several of these different types of solar rectangles in his design.

Let’s break it down. First, he used the solsticial quadrilateral oriented in the north-south directions. This type of solar rectangle is called the Lunar Quadrilateral or the Spiritual Quadrilateral. Side by side, two of these rectangles create the inner length and width of the nave. The side of the quadrilaterals relates to the 3rd and 7th chakras, mixing the emotion of the 3rd with the connection to the spirituality of the 7th. It helps to refine the energy and ambiance of the church. The interior also is connected to the 3 x 4 rectangle, a famous static rectangle used in building structures since the Neolithic times. It brings an element of calm and peace to the structure. The external measurement chosen by the Master Builder encloses the church with a golden rectangle adding the connection to life inherent in this figure.

At first glance, the apse seems to be an octagon figure, but the apse angles fit perfectly into a heptagon shape instead. The sides relate to the musical note associated with the 3rd eye. Another characteristic of the apse is that the circle of ether (of the 3rd enclosure) fits exactly inside this polygon of seven. The 3rd duplication of the mandala is connected to sacred space and the ether element to the opening of the heart chakra. The use of the 3rd enclosure here emphasizes the sacredness of the space.

The Master Builder also used the ratio of the latitude of Jerusalem to fit a solar rectangle in the front part of the apse, connecting the church to the Christ energy.  He also used the elements of fire and ether, actively bringing in qualities of love and tenderness. Overall, the Master Builder of St Jean Pied Port does a good job utilizing the earth energies of the place. The church was positioned well, taking advantage of the violet vortex for the altar area. He employed solar geometry to create an ambiance of spirituality and the most sacred place, the apse, hit the mark as a place to connect to the divine. One interesting side note is that in modern times, the position of the altar has been moved off of the violet vortex and the center of the solsticial quadrilateral of Jerusalem. Leading one to the conclusion that the knowledge of this point’s power and connection to the divine, has sadly been lost.

by Karen Crowley-Susani

Energy vortexes

Energy Vortexes

What is an energy vortex?

Energy Vortexes

Energy vortexes are something that we at Energetic Geometry personally work with all the time at sacred sites. The Sedona vortexes are probably the most well-known and talked about and there are many theories about them to explain the phenomena.  But those explanations came up short in really explaining what is going on. 

Let’s first describe what it is. Simply put, a vortex is a natural pattern that can be visualized it as gas or liquid spinning around an imaginary axis. Some examples include the DNA pattern, black holes, spiral galaxies, tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, dust devils, or simply water going down a drain.

How is a vortex created?

We can look at a cyclone for example. Basically, two different temperature air masses converge and when they meet, rotation begins. There is warm air rising from the earth (the ocean) and cold air descending from the cosmos. This up and down movement combined with converging air masses produces rotation.

Vortexes are related to the energy of life, like the creation of universes. Our earth is actually rotating around the sun in a spiral pattern as our whole solar system moves through time and space.

The vortexes that we work with are ones that are located all over the surface of the earth. They have a tornado-like shape and has a color associated with it. For most people they are invisible, but there are some sensitive people that can actually see the color, shape, and size of vortexes. Some are big, strong, and powerful, others small and weak. Some are good for health and others are not.  

Vortexes are found everywhere.

During a certification class, we measured more than 10 separate vortexes in just one square meter! Vortexes are more active around water veins. For example, they can be found at a crossing of two water veins because a rotation happens when the energy from the waters meet. One water vein goes to one side and one to the other side, creating rotating energy.

These energy vortexes are stationary.

Cosmic and telluric vortex examples
Deer like to sleep next to this menhir and they chose a crystalline healing vortex.
Deer like to sleep next to this menhir and they chose a crystalline healing vortex.

Vortexes have an equilibrium between the earth and the cosmos. There are energies coming down from the cosmos on the sides and energies coming up from the earth in the middle. They meet on the surface of the earth. Then there is the reverse, cosmic energy going down in the center and earth energy rising on the sides. You can visualize the earth like this with a constant stream of energies going up and coming down.

Many animals know about these energy vortexes and they chose a specific vortex type for resting and restoring their energies.  Dogs, deer, cows, horses, elephants, boars, and more all find a place with a vortex that is restorative to sleep on.

What can energy vortexes do for us?

They provide us with an opportunity to help balance our energy system.

Each one has a different color and characteristic. The colors are like the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, etc., and are connected to the chakras. For example, a yellow-colored one is connected to the solar plexus or third chakra. Dominique Susani, European Master Builder, became aware of them while measuring churches to decode their energetic and geometric qualities. He noticed there were certain places in the churches where the energy was stronger. Dominique found this strong energy was connected to a specific chakra. And began to perceive the vortex’s colors and felt in his body how they opened and balanced his energy.

 Energy vortexes raise our frequency or vibration to a higher level.

Energy vortexes help balance the chakras, energy centers and allow us an opportunity to heal. Churches, temples, and sacred sites all have different vortexes of varying qualities, numbers, and strength. Some of these vortexes only open the first chakra. For example, their color is red and it can be felt in the body as energy going down into the earth. There is a rooted or grounded quality to it that can be felt in as warming energy in the perineum. Other vortexes are connected to the 7th chakra and can be felt like a tickling at the top of the head. Then some of them connect to both the earth and the cosmos, open the central channel, and clean the energy throughout the body.

In most well-built temples and churches, naturally occurring energy vortexes are enhanced and become more powerful.

In churches, the combination of the geometry, measurements, and earth energies such as water veins and faults create more powerful vortexes and healing energies. For example, when deciphering the sacred geometry and energetical qualities of temples or churches, we look for several different things. One is the energy vortexes, we look at where they are, what color, and what qualities they each have. Next, we look at where the underground energies (water veins and faults) flow under the temple or church. Then finally, we measure the temple or church. Then we use this information to understand how the Master Builder used the solar mandala to build the sacred place. A detailed understanding of this process with examples can be found in our book Secrets to Sacred Geometry.

During our research, we found the energy vortexes are always located in several key places in temples or churches.

For example, in a church, the first vortex is in front of the entrance because it helps prepare your energetic body for the energy inside. Then the altar usually has the strongest and most powerful vortex. The altar is the main energetic place of a church and is always built over the most powerful earth energies. Next, are vortexes in the side chapels usually in front of different saints. Lastly, there is a chakra path of earth vortexes starting in the back of the church leading up to the altar. The chakra path usually starts with red in the back and ends with a violet, golden or crystalline vortex at the altar.

Energy vortexes are also found in simpler constructions such as standing stones or menhirs.

Kergornec Menhir, Brittany, France
Kergornec Menhir, Brittany, France has a
crystalline vortex that opens the lungs.

There is usually only one associated with a menhir, unlike churches or temples that have many vortexes. Many times, the vortex associated with a standing stone is connected to an organ or body system such as the lungs or the kidneys. These types can be a variety of colors and can have nice healing effects.

Finding and experiencing energy vortexes adds to the wonder of visiting a sacred site. In addition to the awe and beauty of the place, there is a direct experience with the healing energies of the energy vortexes. The sacred site becomes alive and is a much more memorable experience.

If you are interested in learning how to work with energy vortexes…

We have a couple of different opportunities for you. One is taking our Secrets of Sacred Geometry Certification course. During this training, you will learn how to feel, identify, and by the end of the course, you will be able to create your own structures where these energy vortexes can be found. The Chakra Path portion of the course is a superb example of this. Watch our video below of building a chakra path in Chile during a certification course.

The other option is joining us for the Magical Brittany Tour. During this tour, we will be sharing the locations of the energy vortexes in each place we visit and how to feel them in your body. It is a wonderful way to deepen your connection and receive an energy tune-up!

Links to learn more about energy vortexes

by Karen Crowley-Susani and Dominique Susani