Solsticial Quadrilateral

The foundation of all sacred sites

Solsticial quadrilateral

What is a Solsticial Quadrilateral?

It is a pattern that comes from the yearly rhythm of the sun. As you can see, it is connected to the solstices. This pattern was used by all cultures around the world to create their sacred sites and to build their homes.

One of the characteristics of the solsticial quadrilateral is that a closer connection to the divine can be accessed in the center.

"The energy inside the solsticial quadrilateral generates a harmonious space and is good for the development of all life."

Crucuno Quadrilateral

Crucuno Cromlech

The oldest known solsticial quadrilateral was built by the Neolithic people in Brittany, France over 5000 years ago.

What happens inside a

Solsticial Quadrilateral?

  • A vortex appears in the center.
  • There is a connection to the earth, sun and the cosmos.
  • You feel aligned and present.
  • The energy feels good, balanced, and there is a better connection to spirit.
  • Plants grow better, humans and animals are happier
The solsticial quadrilateral

Check out our video introducing the Solsticial Quadrilateral, its qualities, historical use,

and how it can be used today.

The Key Benefits of the Solsticial Quadrilateral

  • An energetic vortex connected to the earth and sun appears in the center.    
  • The energy of your home becomes balanced as a harmonious space is created.    
  • It is a living structure that improves the development of all life.    
  • If you stay in the center for 20 minutes, your energy system will recharge.   
  • The center point is also a wonderful place for meditation because of its clear connection to spirit.   
  • It cleans the energy of the space and resets the energy of your home and everyone living there.    
  • Homes of discordant energy, those filled with stress and arguments become calm and peaceful.   
  • The effects of noxious nets, such as the Hartmann nets, are lowered significantly and will disappear with enough weight on the corner points.    
  • The energy inside feels good, balanced, and harmonious.   
  • Plants grow better, animals and humans are relaxed and happier.   
  • Your home becomes a sacred space because it is connected to the celestial bodies and the earth.    
  • It helps you access a stronger and clearer connection to spirit.

Learn how you can employ the Solsticial Quadrilateral with these options:

Solsticial quadrilateral Revealed class

The Solsticial Quadrilateral Revealed online class

Ready to learn more about the solsticial quadrilateral and how you can use it to bring more harmony into your home and life? This online class is for you. This online class is jammed packed with ancient wisdom and modern practicality. We share will share with you how to heal your land, heal your home, and heal yourself.

Secrets of Sacred Geometry book

Secrets of Sacred Geometry

Secrets of Sacred Geometry; Solar Geometry for Health and Life is a great resource to begin your journey of learning about the solsticial quadrilateral. It is an experiential book designed to teach you the skills to build your own structures and experience the energy and secrets of sacred geometry. 

Secrets of Sacred Geometry Certification Training

Secrets of Sacred Geometry Certification Training

is a tradition rich in the wisdom of the rhythms of the sun, earth, solar and sacred geometry. You will learn REAL sacred geometry and discover that the solsticial quadrilateral is the foundation of it all. In this apprenticeship training, you will learn how to design and build life-enhancing harmonious homes, structures, gardens, art, and more.

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energetic tips and tools, and discounts.